
Lorni Snoop

Personal project - 2022

From The Ink Theif


Screenshot from The Ink Theif


Lorni Snoop is a character from the 1994 British TV series The Ink Theif. He's a creature made from children's imaginations and, at one point, all the imagination energy gets sucked out of him leaving him as a rag doll. I love replicating plushes and dolls seen in movies.

All the fabric here is stuff I already had on hand.

I started off with my basic rag doll pattern and made some adjustments, widening the body and shortening the arms. I started with a prototype to test out the weird hat shape and look at the proportions.

Prototype made of bedsheets

Once I had adjusted my patterns, I started on the real one.

Arms and hands with topstitching pinned

Painting the leg stripes

Finished legs

Body pinned

After the body was finished, I created a simple pattern for the shirt based on its measurements. The neck hole had to be very small, so I put it on before stuffing the head. The hat pieces were stuffed and then ladder stitched onto the head.

Another complicated pattern was the shoes, they ended up being three pieces with two sides and a third for the sole. There's a little pieces of cardboard in there was well so they keep their shape, since the felt wasn't thick enough. Using references from the show, I painted the design onto the shoes.

Planning out the hat pieces

Felt eyes, nose, and mouth

Sewn shoes

Painted shoes

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