Why are links in headers already bold before hovering
Fix h2 thumbnail captions when they get too wide for a smaller screen
Go through and change my name in alt text, captions, etc
FINALLY update my show blog and shift the formatting a little to not be month by month
Write photo descriptions in alt text
Change each photo to be alt friendly
since I'm using tabs for my resume, when I link back to it it doesn't actually open the tab. I wonder if there is a way to fix that or if I should make my resume into separate pages (ugh)
I think it's been too long since I've updated my links page, needs a refresher
is there a point where I need to somehow archive my dev log to keep the scroll box from getting rediculously long?
why are my titles on some of my gallery links underlined? they aren't elsewhere???
Constant Reminders:
Update show log
Check spreadsheet and update
Add new sites to index page when done
Update percentage completed
Move photos to hard drive every few pages
Make a tab icon, and figure out how to make it a variable so I can change it easily in the future
Splash page?
swap the main page background with one I like more
Why is my cursor transparent, fix that
I'd like to figure out how to get the side bar to also have a shadow, if possible
Realized that with my category ids, I could give each category different box and font colors
Add program/poster photos to my show log
Gallery Updates:
add recent Rag Dolly production to my shows page
Add photos of Raggedy Ann and Muppets fanny packs
Fix outerwear page with updated galleries
a lot of old pages could use inspriration images, if i feel like it
add more pictures from various events to the fogtown tab on my projects page
Pepper's Ghost and rat puppets should be featured projects once finished!
Add digital patterns to rag doll page
Add photos for my new Eddie vest
Add photos of leg & arm warmers to Bustopher
Add project page links to Seam and Kedamono's shop pages once published
Take more photos of:
Bedroom set (ask Jerry/Kyle)
Dinosaur pants
Scrap pants
Pants & Shorts
Benedict's spear
Brúni's new outfit
Circus blazer on dress form
Make pages for:
Ronnie's ren faire costume comission
Convert into gif or upload video (that I've already taken) of:
Cow puppet (started)
Job puppet
Write photo descriptions in alt text
Change each photo to be alt friendly
Main Costumes page
Costume project pages
Main Puppets page
Puppets project pages
Main Dolls page
Dolls project pages
Main Plushes page
Plushes project pages
Main Set & Prop page
Set & Prop project pages
Main Textile page
Textile project pages
Main Micellany page
Micellany project pages
Take more photos of: Dark Crystal jacket, Kedamono, King Lear set
Convert into gif or upload video (that I've already taken) of: Jack puppet, Marlo's costume, Woolly Bear, Pepper's Ghost tests, Haunt clown comission
Add Scratch projects to digital art pages
use new site buttons on the links page
take more photos of all my baker boy hats
Move photos of jackets and vests into more general "outerwear" folders
New thumbnail for Benedict's spear
Thumbnail for rat puppets and add to the puppet page
move theater blog blurb out of featured projects
find a better way to name my for sale pages besides "sold" and update all links accordingly
Organize side banner into current pages, plus dev log and such (most likely adding a scroll bar)
Figure out how to add my shows selection into my sidebar navigation, possibly make everything smaller to fit?
Update template pages so they're accurate to copy over
Some sort of visual progress bar for the percentage would be fun
Darcy's photos are broken?
Check all my new pages to make sure they have the right background category
Add nice photoshoot pictures of Corwin
Collect long furby photos off my instagram
Fix footer text when it gets too wide for a smaller screen
Finish long furby page layout
Figure out how to and upload video (that I've already taken) of: Robin puppet, Dragon puppets, Fogtown costumes, Sockberus, Bad Idea Bears, Audrey II
Take more photos of: Goat head, General D plush, Jack's clock
Add new headshots when sent
Finish my show reviews and make a post on the front page for them
Impliment new tab system on all project pages
Maker Faire page link on Gezkin
Make a for rental section for my puppets
Add custom furbies to store page
New General D plush and robin thumbnails
Make a proffesional cover letter/references page (won't be linked anywhere, it's to send privately)
Make the shop page real
Add photos of Darcy's house to her page
Move the Eddie vest photos into the time period folder instead, and fix the links on the page
Add reference art for Fogtown puppets
Re-do sidebar menu style
Clean up intros for category pages
Clean up bio and general info on homepage (partly done)
Add recent projects to home page
Add headshot to home page
Fix non-indenting nested lists
Link to official RARE page
Delete unused assets
Figure out if I can make banners that go off the page without there being a scrollbar at the bottom
Re-do alreadly completed project gallery pages
Make photos open in new tab(- need to keep doing with new updates)
Make links on category pages encompass gallery photo
Add div to make thumbnails change on hover
Make buttons look better
Developer log
March 13 2025
Upadated links page with site buttons & descriptions
March 12 2025
Spent some time cleaning up the blog posts in preperation for making my blog page public, and deciding which ones needed to wait
Added show info to my show log
realized that all of my blog pages have my old name on them and gotta be changed! and the template!
changed my name in the footers and double checked that the images were displaying in line properly
changed my name and checked the dark mode template
cleaned up the last of my pages which means the blog section is ready to go
updated my site buttons info link to take you to my blog page
double checked show log AGAIN to make sure posts were in order and template text removed
new page just to collect random web links
March 9 2025
Changed the little arrow on the dropdown menus into a pointing hand! cute
Started a couple of pages to collect some of my writings, like how to see theater for cheap
started my collection of theaters in town (this will definitely take some adding to!)
March 7 2025
Added recent show dates to my show log
March 6 2025
Added a couple more links to the main page about me
decided to remake a blog sort of section now that i have a better idea of what it will look like
messed around with my blog template page, made it dark mode, created a new style sheet for the dark mode
do i want to have each post be a tab on a main page or for it all to be seperate pages that share the same sidebar nav? tab pages: dont have to make a ton of files and new folder system, but i wont be able to link to the different entires as easily, and the page will gt super long and tough to find things in. seperate pages: will be able to link to specific entires, but will have to copy over the navigation every time i make a new page. unless i just leave the navigation to a home page and you have to click back every time
maybe i'll just do that. also saves me the headache of the scroll box not working properly inside my sidebar nav when it switches to mobile mode
i think i'll just get rid of the navigation bar on the side for the actual blog entries then. if a post references a specific project i'll just link it, and i want it to be a little more streamlined and less busy
my show blog will be a part of this new system. which means yes i am going to have to change that in every nav. once i get this squared away
made a new template page for these writing posts
okay here's the format: the Notion's Notions/study page is the writings landing page (and will be linked in the nav), the other pages will stem from there, but won't have a sidebar. they'll just link back to the study page
started a new page on my spreadsheet to keep track of these, but they'll be pretty simple so it's mostly just to have a clean list of which ones i've made
made a few more pages for my writing
site credits are BACK on the devlog page bby
moved my big website manifesto over to the study page
to do: remove my website ramblings from the featured projects page and possibly remove tabs to make one long scroll
removed website ramblings, updated the featured page and fogtown, RAR tabs a little, not sure if i want to remove the tab system yet
changed the name button in my bio on the main poage over to the new study post
finished a couple more baker boy hats, added their photos to that page
copied over my show blog to the new page within the study, began re-doing the formatting and adding more recent shows
finished most of the re-arranging and adding for my show blog, though i do still need to go in for the show dates of each one
we've landed on newest first. makes sense. though i think my resume is opposite i don't really care
I love how i'm starting new projects and adding more things to the to-do list instead of actually crossing them off. whatever. figuring out how to organize my thoughs better was in the back of my head already anyway. i do want this place to become a little less of a portfolio that happens to be quirky, and more of a way to also share things i find important. i wont be going on long tangetnts about fandom stuff or sharing too many personal details, but i want to share some of what i'm thinking about and reccomend things
made a new page for quote collecting, I don't have anything really yet but I want to have the format for when I do
March 5 2025
Added more sewing resource links and moved the buttons
updated my little website manifesto
updated the RARE and Fogtown sections too
made new site buttons for myself and also Jonath! added
March 3 2025
Uploaded and organized the rest of the my baker boy hat photos
published hat page!
uploaded and added all the photos of my fairy cloak, published that page
organized photos for dark crystal jacket
added all the photos and links to where i purchased the pins and patches (that i could find)
published dark crystal jacket page
hid theater blog on featured projects
crossed things off my to-do lists
March 2 2025
Took some photos and downloaded pictures for baker boy hats, cloak
March 1 2025
Flies!!! in my room!!!
The plan for today is to make sure that everything looks decent that can be acessed, no worrying about unfinished pages just break their links, get the new category pages changed int he sidebars (i sincerely hope this is the last time i have to change EVERY sidebar)
Broke links on Miscellany page for unfinished galliers (that's second priority today)
removed all old digital art links from navigation and replaced them with new page links, fully updated navigation with all the new links
nav page SHOULD be fully updated now
tested new nav sidebar on index, looks like it's good to go
new sidebar on all the main category and home pages
new sidebar on: costume pages, dolls, miscellany, TEMPLATE GALLERY, plushes, long Furbies, puppets, sets and props, textiles
actually that didn't take as long as I was worried it would!!! annoying updates complete then
deleted old clothing & digital art pages
removed warning from the front page
recounted my progress bar and i went down a whole ten percent ;-; that's okay because i know that 4-6 of these new pages i already have the photos for, and can get done today
renamed personal folder to pixel art and fixed links
resized and uploaded photos for drawing, paintings, sculpture class
added photos and cleaned up formatting for drawing, painting, sculpture class
linked pages from miscellany, navigation, published all three!
new page for my recently made cloak
February 28 2025
The plan for today: change my clothing page into a textile page. re-organize the sections into from scratch, mending/patching, and misc. combine the pages that were previously split into ones i made for me and ones i made for sale. rename the folder and make sure everything in it moves over correctly
double check the resume and navigation pages
next, turn the digital art page into a micelanny page. organize into digital art, traditional, sculpture
change all these on the sidebars
Made a new category page for Textiles and began organizing the sections
renamed Fashion folder to Textiles
renamed css code for background to .categorytextile
moved all the photo gallery from my for sale bowling shirts to my main page, deleted bowling shirts sold
updated the textile page to use the alt friendly column setup instead, added the css in header
Moved the one shirt from yoke shirts sold over to main page, deleted old one
bowling shirts, yoke shirts now in their proper place in the gallery
remember to change the css category on each! and the new footer
Added pants and shorts link even though the page still needs to be finished
Started listing some other projects I want to add to the textile section
moved outwear for sale over to the main one, deleted the for sale one
Added outerwear to the new category gallery
Made thumbnail for my clown bible shirt and cleaned up the page
added it to textile organization
updated fanny packs and clown sleeves on textile page
updated: Dinosaur Pants, Dark Crystal Patch Jacket, Scrap Pants (even though they dont have photos on their pages yet, they are as updated as they can be)
finally added a warning tot he front page that things will be out of order as i re-organize
Cleaned up the textile page, added connections for pages that dont exist yet
Created pages and did basic formatting for: Art Fight Patches 2024, Baker Boy Hats, Crest Embroidery, Frog Embroidery
For some reason the set and prop design page had a double sidebar nav??? fixed
Thumbnails for: Art Fight Patches 2024, Baker Boy Hats, Crest Embroidery, Frog Embroidery
made the clothing page link to textiles in the meantime while I continue to fix things
I KNOW I have more old assorted sewing and embroidery to add to the textiles page, but i'm going to focus on cleaning up what i have right now (shocker i know)
Added thumbnails to Scrap Pants, Dark Crystal Jacket
uploaded photos for baker boy hats, frog embroidery, crest embroidery, and scrap pants
added photots and description for frog embroidery project, added link
same for crest embroidery & artfight patches
added photos so far for my baker boy hats, i need to take more
resume update
on navigation page, renamed clothing to textile section and updated all the links there
removed all previous navigation links to clothing section pages
added "theater" section to nav page (??? why didn't i have one???) and put deadname on there
re added all the textile links to nav yay
made a new misallanious art page
created a new page for digial art and a new page for artfight art, coppied things over from the old digital art page
started some basic formatting for the new misc page
renamed the digital art folder
changed the css for digital art category to .categorymiscellany
why are my titles on some of my gallery links underlined? they aren't elsewhere???
moved Apozjem over to miscellany
created /Intro_to_Sculpture page, started formatting
fixed all the images on artfight pixel art
fixed all the images on personal pixel art
added thumbnails for personal pixel art, artfight, jack scratch test and rune scratch test
moved apozjem photos over to the sculpture folder and fixed all the links on his page
created pages for my college drawing and painting classes
thumbnails for college sculpture, drawing and painting classes
February 26 2025
I'm considering changing a couple of the titles on my category pages, namely the clothing/fachion tag (which I never fully had a concerete decision on) to a more vague "sewing" or "textiles". Similarly, changing my "digital art" tag to a misc art, with digitial art and other stuff being in there. I think that would help some of my recent issues with not knowing where to post my stuff
February 13 2025
Made a page for Apozjem
Added photos & description
Added it's link and thumbnail to dolls page
Added navigation links
Descriptions to rat bag page
Thumbnail to plush page & links to navigation for the rat
Fixed sidebar navigation on Shooting Star
Turned my Jack videos into gifs and added them
Turned my videos of ronnie's clown comission into gifs and added them
Resized and uploaded my first Breavmohr photos
Added a couple photos of Benedict's spear
February 12 2025
Took photos of Kedamono, Benedict's spear, rat pouch
Uploaded photos of all, and Apozjem
Made a new page for and added all photos of the rat bag
Uploaded Apojem photos to dolls
Rat bag and Apozjem thumbnail photos
Uploaded more Kedamono photos
Added all my Kedamono photos except the pants, bc I'm too tired to comprehend how that pattern works right now
February 2 2025
Added my most recent shows to my resume
Made a tab on my resume for education
Added my Broadway Rose internship to my education
January 20 2025
YES all I did today was add more links and another tab to my Pepper's Ghost page
Could I at least be sorting my haunted mansion photos yes but. links.
January 18 2025
Organized and uploaded Kedamono photos
Time to do gifs - converted all my kedamono videos to gifs
Uploaded gifs too
January 17 2025
Bunch MORE descriptions and research written for my Pepper's Ghost theater
Collected some haunted mansion photos that I need to sort through and add to galleries later
Added Dehlia videos to Pepper's Ghost page
Added Pepper's Ghost page to sets and props home, and navigation, and featured!
Started new page for Dehlia (let's finish this real quick ok?)
I did such a good job finishing that one so quick. Added the thumbnail and the links to navigation
Made and formatted page for Breavmohr
Updated my template page to have the bottom of page navigation, just because I do use it and I'd rather delete it than have to copy it from my other pages
Added the tab bottom of page navigation to Breavmohr's page
January 16 2025
Bunch of descriptions and research written for my Pepper's Ghost theater
January 8 2025
Wrote descriptions for the Shooting Star page and finished it
Added link to dolls page and navigation
Added Fogtown pilot link to Fogtown puppet and costume pages
January 4 2025
More descriptions to rat king page process
removed the gallery tab button so i can publish it as an in-progress page
why didn't the rat king page have the new sidebar? coppied that over
January 3 2025
Arranged photos and wrote minimal descriptions for: Thursday, Count, JJ, Krampus, Meatball, Vampire, Volfgang and Phydeaux
Until I dig up more photos, that's it for the long furby page! Though I fear the folder I have labelled "multiple", maybe I'll have to make another general gallery page
Organized and named my folder of photos for multiple furbies
Uploaded more photos of finished haunt clown comission, added them to the page
Added descriptions andfixed titles for the haunt clown
Added the thumbnail and link to Costumes page, added link to navigation
Double checked all furby links on navigation and made sure they linked to the correct gallery id
Broke all the links to the seperate furby pages formthe main furby page
Added a new thumbnail for a general photo album so I can dump all of these extra photos I have with more than one furby in them
Created the album as a new page and coppied over the basic format
That makes the long furby page done enough to be published! even if i still need to work on some finishing touches and probably fill out the links section
Added a sale/comissions section to the plushes home page, moved long furbies into there and also Kedamono
Descriptions for Marlo coat page
Added November's art too
Made gifs of Marlo coat and added them
Finished up Marlo coat and added the thumbnail, and navigation
Added woolly bear gifs
Made a bunch of the cow animatronic gifs but my computer started slowing down so i took a break
Added process and my high quality photos to Boot's page. I think I'm going to take some of the sillier ones and put them on the family photo album page, most of my photos are of boots
Same thing for Mothball, adding the progress photos and the ones I know I want on her gallery
I don't think I actually have that many pictures of Caesar and I'm going to make him just a tab instead of his own whole page
made new Caesar thumbnail and tab
fixed tab links with the new tab in there
Added all of the Caesar photos
Changed Caesar's links on the navigation page
Oh my GOD I have been working on these furby pages for so long and I still have the rest of the family photo album ones to go plus the descriptions on Boots & Mothball's pages
You know what. fuck it. I'm counting each tab as a page. some of them are as long as individual pages. I deserve this win
Made page for Shooting Star and put her photos up
Added Shooting Star thumbnail to dolls page (no link)
Added rat king thumbnail to puppet page (no link)
Discovered a couple more Shooting Star photos so I added those
January 2 2025
Uploaded all Boots photos: progress (numbered per my usual method), HQ, and silly ones
Uploaded all Caesar photos in the same way
Uploaded all Mothball photos in the same way
Uploaded Milky Way & Eleanor furby photos into 1998 folder
Uploaded Bubbles photos to 1999 folder, and Count to minis folder
Florida to 1999 folder
JJ to minis folder
Jinco to 1999 folder
Kandi Kid to 1998 folder
Krampus to mini folder
Luna Moth to 1999 folder
And I realized I put her in the wrong section of the tabs, so I moved her down the 1999 section but I still need to fix all of the links that broke
Added Moire photos to 1998
Added Nova, Winston and Whippee photos to 1998
Uploaded photos of the unnamed rainbow furby, it doesn't have a tab so I need to add that
Uploaded photos of Pumpernickel to 1999
Uploaded Circe & Pasiphae photos to 1998
Uploaded Thursday photos
Uploaded photos of the not long furbies, including the skull mask I made which doesn't have a tab yet
Added furby collage and maps to main furby page
Made tab and thumbnail for Rainbow furby and fixed the navigation links around it
Fixed luna tab and the navigation links around it
Arranged photos and wrote minimal descriptions for: Milky Way, Moire, Nova, Whippee, Eleanor Flowers, Kandi Kid, Winston, Circe & Pasiphae, and Rainbow (all the 1998's)
Arranged photos and wrote minimal descriptions for: Bubbles, Luna Moth, Pumpernickel, Jinco Levi, Florida,
January 1 2025
Happy new year! Made sure my resume was up to date
Updated RARE tab to have info about the upcoming workshop
November 18 2024
Added new rat king photos
November 17 2024
OKay we're doing it we're copying the new sidebar into every page
removed featured section from main page
Fixed link on page not found (ironic)
new sidebar on: home, featured, index, resume, show log, store, dev log
new sidebar on: clothing design, costumes, digital art, dolls, plushes, puppets, sets and props, my shows
opps the link was broken to my show page so i had to go through all of those again to fix it
aaaand I made another change and had to do all of that again! great!
finally coppied it all over to dev log (here!)
new sidebar on all costume pages
new sidebar on all doll pages
new sidebar on all plush pages
new sidebar on all puppet pages
new sidebar on all sets and props pages
didn't need to do it on show pages
What's left? digital art and clothing
man the clothing secction is still such a mess
new sidebar on all digital art pages
I feel like i just did this. i guess i did just replace the footers on all pages not long ago
new sidebar on all clothing pages
i forgot about the long furby sub pages, did those too. i think that's everything now???
November 16 2024
Converted Peppers ghost videos to gif
added new gifs
added the rest of my photos from the 2024 test
added bottom of page tab navigation to pepper's ghost page
Made thumbnail for Pepper's Ghost (not linked yet)
finally grabbed a temporary thumbnail for benedict's spear
Organized my to-dos for some reason. because i'm even organizing my organization
started testing out a new sidebar navigation to fit all my links in there
made a couple test sites for moving featured projects off the home page onto their own page
moved site building resources and credits out of the sidebar here and put them in the main section
okay so when i move the new sidebar in, i have to do it all in one swoop because i have to change the css at the same time. so not doing that tonight right now
Moved the whole page of info at the top of this page over to that featured projects page since it felt weird having it split across two pages, since there should be a larger chunk on that page now anyway (and there's room for it). so now this is more of a place specifically for my real-time thoughts and progress, and the longer waxing poetic is on the projects page
new intro on my main page that links to all of the lobby pages
November 14 2024
Misfit Academy buttons
cleaned up animatronic cow page
November 13 2024
Added reclaim it site buttons
Couple more photos to rat king
Updated the tab system on rat king
November 12 2024
Finished site buttons
Made them grow and fade on hover
Made the fade on hover slower/smoother for all transitions
Added to index page
Wrote a description on dev log page to explain site buttons
Used site buttons on RARE and Fogtown sections on main page
November 9 2024
Working on site buttons
November 7 2024
Made new page for my rat king puppets, wrote some descriptions
Added some unfinished hidden links to my navigation page
Linked Marlo and King Lear pages on my Pepper's Ghost project
Began adding reference photos to my rat king puppets
Added reference links
Added photos so far
Added thumbnail photos for woolly bear & marlo coat
Category page & navigation links for woolly bear
Shadow tests now carried over to the whole site
I want to do another re-work of the main page and how it displays side projects, but that migth also need to involve a whole re-work of the sidebar and I really only want to do that once
November 5 2024
Did some box shadow tests
Got mad trying to find a font I liked again. gave up but made a couple discoveries?
October 30 2024
Took photos of my Pepper's Ghost tests, as well as my sketches of my previous projects
Uploaded photos of sketches into their folders
Added photos and captions for Darcy, Jack, General D's rat mask
Added some folder to start my Pepper's Ghost organization
I realized that I hadn't properly resized the new sketch photos :) fixed
Uploaded Pepper's Ghost test photos
October 29 2024
Made a new page to document my research and exploration into the Pepper's Ghost illusion
Organized tabs and began writing out statements and inspiration
October 28 2024
Took and uploaded photos for Woolly Bear puppet
new Woolly Bear puppet page
added photos and deleted all the extra stuff
uploaded and added a couple new dragon photos
Fixed Darcy's photos (it was a file renaming error)
Going through and fixing category ids so that the backgrounds are correct (Job puppet, Jack puppet, trash guy, Marlo coat, clown costume, Satyr, clown bible shirt, king lear and port authority set, digital art pages)(yes I've been waiting too long to actually check this)
October 24 2024
I'm doing it. I'm changing my name on here
Updated index page
Updated the footer of the category pages
Updated links page
While I was messing with stuff, also gave the header boxes some padding so the titles don't get covered by the edges
Started cleaning up the side links and footer on every page. So far: Costumes, Digital Art, Dolls, Fashion (but only the finished pages), Plushes, Puppetry, Sets and Props
Double checked my spreadsheet and made sure they lined up
made a new page for my satyr bellhop character
October 21 2024
Finished King Lear set
Added links to resume, gallery, and navigation
added the new show page to my organization spreadsheet
Added Deadname to my resume
Trash puppet link to resume
Floating coat link to resume
More dates and info to Fogtown section of resume
Cleaned up guardians of the gorge page a little and added new footer
Finally just figured it was done enough, and added external links to gallery page, navigation, and resume
added resume link to Marlo coat, Guardians of the gorge
Updated the show blog with titles and dates, need to fill in the rest later
changed show page background to be black curtain
October 15 2024
Maded a new organization page to display my shows, i should make it more fun and theather themed
October 14 2024
Added extra tab to Deadname page for postmortem stuff
Removed Deadname page links from home and links page
Made page for Marlo costume
Added photos to both
September 24 2024
Updated info on play page
August 28 2024
Added August shows to show blog
Uploaded photos from Clown Bible shirt and Clown Suit Commission
Created those two new pages too
Added photos and began drafting descriptions for those two new pages
August 5 2024
Added scroll boxes to project tabs on front page
Added July show to show blog
July 30 2024
Fixed font issue with play announcement
July 15 2024
Put play announcement on main page!
Put play announcement in links page
Created links page? I may have done this a while ago
July 3 2024
Cleaned up info on index page
Added new photos for Raggedy Ann Revival Effort section
July 1 2024
Added June show to the show blog
June 30 2024
Fixed a broken link on General D plush page
June 29 2024
Uploaded Corwin photoshoot photos
Added the new photos into his page
Spent some time downloading and organizing long furby pictures (this is going to me a lot of work)
June 28 2024
Finished descriptions and captions on Job accordion process
Finished external links on Job
Posted Job to the puppetery page!
Posted Job to the home page!
Added a new row to the home page to include a thumbnail for my clothing design
Changed the thumbnail on the clothing page for coats and vests to my circus blazer
Added Job links to navigation
Added new Fogtown video to background puppet page (they have small clips in there)
created new pages for my recent scratch coding tests (just when i was starting to make a real dent in that percentage up there)
Copied over press links to king lear set
Added lear set thumbnail to sets page (page isn't finished so it doesn't link anywhere yet)
June 27 2024
Added new photos to Gezkin and realized he doesn't have the new photo set up
Re-did gallery code for photos on Gezkin
Began cleaning up descriptions and captions on Job puppet
Added references tab for ref photos
Finished process on the puppet and references tabs, just need to do the accordion process
Added tab footers to Job and fixed a typo on them on Jack
Created a new "links" page that will replace my linktree account
Cleaned up info on project page
June 26 2024
Began uploading descriptions to project page
FINALLY fixed that footer text going off the screen when sized small
Added the rest of the gallery photos to Job
Added reference photos to Jack and cleaned up formatting and text
Jack posted! And added to navigation page
Jack added to featured page (sorry Bustopher)
Added descriptions to trash guy page
Published! And added external links and thumbnail
Cleaned up text and captions on animatronic cow puppet
Posted the animatronic cow and updated the navigation page
June 25 2024
Proper art uploaded to project page
Cleaned up layout and buttons
June 24 2024
Started new project section so I have somewhere to organize projects that deserve full pages
Created new project page and CSS and began changing colors and images
Got basic info and layout finished, text boxes are still filler
June 16 2024
Updated resume with the show I did at my high school, added it to the header on that puppet project
RARE website link to resume
Uploaded trash guy thumbnail
June 15 2024
Added puppet and accordion process pictures to Job puppet
June 14 2024
Uploaded photos for trash guy puppet
Uploaded photos for King Lear set
Uploaded photos for Job puppet
Added photos for trash guy puppet
Added photos for King Lear set
Raggedy Ann Rally links to resume
Updated Raggedy Ann Rally info on home page
June 1 2024
Took pictures of the finished King Lear set
May 29 2024
Thumbnail images to Job, Jack, and the new cow puppet
May 28 2024
Show blog update
Fixed some code on the home page
May 14 2024
Added new performance announcement to the Raggedy Ann Revival Effort section!
May 13 2024
Updated Job puppet page
May 12 2024
Updated Job puppet page
I have picked up Benedict's spear and my Kedamono plush, though I probably won't have time to properly photograph them until after the 23rd
Added another tab to Job
May 8 2024
Removed extra description from digital art gallery
New headshots!!!
Shifted around the format of my home page again and added my bio
Replaced the navigatino buttons on the long furby tabs with the new less intrusive ones
Made new pages for the furbies that get full pages, Boots, Mothball, and Caesar
Made the thumbnails on the long furby lages all ALT friendly
Re-did the thumbnails that link to seperate pages and also made them ALT friendly
Made a whole bunch of folders
Updated my spreadsheet to keep track of the order and progress of each furby page
May 7 2024
Updated Job puppet page
May 6 2024
Made a blog page, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. I have some of my own thoughts but I also just want to collect quotes that I enjoy
Changed the navigation on this page, I didn't like that the home link matched the headers, it made it unclear that it is a link
Added my show blog to the navigation here, I'm loosely organizing my stuff into portfolio and personal writings. There's still a home link here but now it also links directly to my theater blog
This is also where I'll put a link to my normal blog I'm considering
Coppied these new navigations over between those three pages, but hid the new blog link on the two visible pages
I will probably change the name, it's going to be half about collecting things that inspire me so I want that to be a focus
Changed the backgrounds on other blog pages to match this one
Deleted some old unused graphics
Updated Pointless game page
Started page for Job puppet
Added a "work in progress" sign to put in the gallery page of unfinished works that I still want to publish the page for
Better idea. just hide it. lol
Did the same to the Jack puppet, hid the links to the gallery tab
Added new photos to Jack puppet, just need captions and references tab (and proofreading)
Fixed back to top button not working on bustopher jones page
Changed default page background to the same as the index page, changed index and not found pages to the new default background
May 4 2024
Added images for recent work on Jack and cow puppets
Began updating description for Jack puppet
Started update for show blog
finished Jack updates
Added section on Jack page for references, for putting photos from the music video
Added new photos for cow puppet
May 2 2024
Made a new page for jackets and blazers
Changed jackets and vests page to just vests
Maybe I could just combine them all into one instead??? What would that be, outer layers?
Fixed the footer anyway
Ok yeah I made it all "Outerwear", and fixed the link on the main clothing page too
Added descriptions and photos for the new blazer
made the rest of the photos on that page ALT tag friendly since the new ones were
Changed the name and page link of the jackets and vests for sale page to outerwear as well
Minor updates to Jack puppet and cow puppet
Added bottom of the page navigation to Jack puppet
May 1 2024
I got headshots taken today!!! Hopefully I'll be able to get them up soon, they're going to be edited first
April 30 2024
Uploaded photos for doll tutorial
Set up tab system for doll tutorial page
Some updates to the RARE section of the first page
April 29 2024
Continuing to pupdate my new puppet page as I work on the project
Uploaded my pictures so far for the new cow puppet and Jack puppet
Added pictures to Jack puppet page (44)
Added pictures to cow puppet page (38? not that I should be counting)
Updated new projects on sheet
Organized photos for the rag doll tutorial
April 28 2024
Updated my project page template to have the new button system
Started a page and descriptions for my OTHER new puppet project
April 27 2024
Started a page and some descriptions for my new puppet project
April 23 2024
Added alt text to doll page and made it alt friendly
Added alt text to puppets page and made it alt friendly
Added alt text to plushes page and made it alt friendly
April 22 2024
Bruni Thumbnail wasn't square, replaced it
Updated floating coat to have link in subtitle
Started removing detail segments from gallery pages, it's just too busy; costumes, puppetry, plushes, clothing, sets and props, dolls,
Also updating footers as I go; puppetry, clothing
Removed detail section on my template page as well
Finally started doing ALT descriptions! Did it for the costumes page
Now the saga of the ALT text begins. I tried breaking the images to see what happens. and what I got was a garbles mess as the border assigned to the image assigned itself to each line of text instead of the block as a whole. The fix for this was to remove the border from the default img tag, but this left the image and the ALT text with no border. To add the border back in, I made a new div that would house the image and its text
A new issue, the image had a little extra buffer space at the bottom which now showed up inside the border. I looked this up and it was fixed by making it an inline block
Next issue, all of these images are links because they open the full image in a new tab. The ALT text is considered link text, so it appears as underlined and bolds on hover
For some reason, using "font-weight: normal;" works to remove the bold on hover, but "text-decoration: none;" doesn't remove the underline
Yes I know this is all fixed by having the link completely inside the div, but I don't like that it doesn't let me include the caption as part of that without making it also within the border
Though I suppose most people will be clicking on the image anyway, and if I want it to sound better on screen readers I should make the caption it's own link individually
Now I'm messing with how to get the h2 caption to actually act like a link and change on hover, but something seems broken or overriding it, and it may be the fact that it has a textured background idk
Well, here is where we currently stand: I've devised a way to replace the borders and make ALT text look good in normal galleries, but it will require editing every photo individually, which I have to do as I add the text anyway. For linked galleries, if I want the h2 caption to also be a link than I will have to make it its own individual link
This is still going to be a long process, as I knw it would be, but I think I've figured enouhg out that I can confidently ccontinue to make new pages with the new system without worrying about going back to edit them again. I will just need to make sure I'm redefining the image tag on all the pages that are converted until I get them all done
The new image attribute breaks the footer images, fixed this
Cleaned up the css and coppied the thumbnailimage class over to the main style sheet
Added new set up to the costumes page to finally finish its transition to ALT friendly
I also shifted the way that odd numbers of gallery images appear
Added alt text support on index page and wrote descriptions
Updated my google sheet to have an alt text checkbox to keep track
Made alt text italic
Changed the new tutorial doll blank page to the new setup
Moved the intro to this over to the projects section of the main page
Also moved the link for the show blog here, so now it's finally linked!
Wrote descriptions for and published Tiamat
April 21 2024
Added tabs to the projects setion of the title page
Adjusted my intro there
Added picture from the Raggedy Ann Rally to the section
Added pictures from Rose City Comic Con to the Fogtown section
Updated show blog
Added bottom of page navigation to General D. costume
Made blank page for tutorial doll
April 18 2024
Updated show blog
Added photos & embeded video to Raggedyland ROMhack
Finished Raggedyland ROMhack and posted!
Removed cardboard armor from my plans
Added gifs to Bad Idea Bears page
Added gifs to Fogtown heads page
Added a little description to crossbow and posted, I've been putting it off
Links to more photos of the clothes on my shop page
Made a blank page for King Lear Set
April 17 2024
Added new plays I saw today to the list
Added Fogtown info to main page
While I was working on my long furby page, I realized I could use the tab system to make "previous" and "next" buttons to switch between tabs. this wasn't really needed when I was adding it to small pages, but on some of these project pages where the progress tabs are super long, maybe it would be useful!
Tested this out on Bruni's page, I'm going to wait until I get feedback to try it out
Feedback said it worked but the buttons were blocky, I replaced them with simple text
Coppied it over to Marlo & Marnie, I'm only going to be doing it on pages that are longer
And Bustopher
April 16 2024
Furbies added to shop page
General d plush and robin puppet thumbnails updated
Maker faire project link on gezkin
Floating coat videos finally converted to gifs and uploaded
About to finish publishing floating coat page, got a thumbnail
Finished publishing floating coat page
Added gif to sockberus page
Added gifs to Audrey II page
April 15 2024
My plan to day is to get the tab system either finished or crossed off for every published page
More tab system for costume pages: Fogtown heads, General D, Goat Mask, Lord Benedict, Guardians of the Gorge
More tab system for plush pages: General D. Plush, Seam, Kedamono
Tab system for set & prop pages now: Oscar, Jack Clock
I'm not doing it on the fashion pages, they don't show much progress so they're short enough
Removed links to a couple pages
Finished up Seam page and posted! also updated on shop page
Finished General D plush page and posted!
Added puppets to store/avaliable for rent
Broke my Long Furby page links so I can work on it a bit
Okay we're getting somewhere, I started out making tabs similar to what I had before only with images for buttons, but I didn't like how much space they took up. So I went to find a decent side scrolling gallery and had to mess around a bunch with the different div and button tabs, but I think I got it figured out!
Okay after a LOT more tinkering, we have the different scroll tabs set up that open into the full galleries underneath
Also fixed the footer
Some layout changes around here on the dev log page
April 14 2024
Finally made the shop page real!
Added tab system to Belindy & Bruni
Changed tab system to not have button home be it's own box
Had to fix the tab home on shop page, resume, show blog, and digital art bc of that
Added tab system to Corwin, Cynthia, Lorni Snoop, Marlo, Marnie, Topsy, and Wolf Doll
From what I can tell it doesn't break anything, but just in case I removed the previous id tags from pages that had used the old system, Corwin and Marlo
Time to add the tab system to puppetry pages: Tiamat, Mini Audrey II, Bad Idea Bears, Moving Boxes,
Added new tab system to the template page for eaiser copy/paste
Assume for each of these I'm also updating the footer at the same time
Adding the tab system to more puppetry pages: Fogtown Backround Characters, Fogtown Moth, Fogtown Mouse, Fogtown Pigeons, Darcy, Gezkin, Robin Puppet, Shadow Puppets, Sockberus, King Lear & Fool
Tab system for plush pages now: Arthur, Gulliver, Teddy, Volk, Wolf & Bat,
Tab system for costume pages now: Bugbear Headpiece, Steve Big Top Burger, The DJ, Toddy and Aloysius, No 44,
April 13 2024
Added to the show blog!
Tried out a new system I had been messing with on my other site that allows you to jump between tabs instead of having one long page to scroll through, I think I'll have to impliment this on MANY other pages, it's just so convenient
Implimented tab system on my resume page
I think for my project pages, I'm just going to have to go through them in large chunks when I have the energy. Because pretty much all of these could use this system and I don't want to only use it sometimes
Tell me why I had artfight 2022 labelled as 2024
Anyway, implimented tab system on my digital art page
Also updated footer on digital art
April 10 2024
New thumbnail for Marlo
April 3 2024
Added embedded video to dragons page
Added links to dragons page
Fixed footer on Seam and added a little more description
April 2 2024
Took and added new photos to Gezkin
Took and added new photos for 44
Embedded videos to dragon puppets (where is that video I downloaded from Duncan???)
Edited together and embedded videos for the robin puppet
Took and added new robin puppet photos!
Finished up the robin puppet and posted
Added photos to sold vests and jackets and posted
Added photos to sold bowling shirt and posted
Also updated the footers on those
April 1 2024
Added shows and restructured show blog
Updated resume
Uploaded photos for Jack's clock, General D plush, and goat mask
Added photos for Jack's clock
Added photos for General D plush, which I didn't realize I didn't actualy have any of his photos up yet at all
Added the new photos for the goat mask and fixed the footer
March 25 2024
Wrote descriptions for Jack's clock and published it
Layout cleanups on Darcy's page
Wrote descriptions for Oscar and posted it
Wrote descriptions for Radium Girls set and posted it
Removed newsies set and miracle worker set from the main pages, i just don't have any good photos. they still live on my resume though of course
Fixed footer on set and prop design page
Made a page for the Port Authority set, added photos & links
Added links from resume and sets pages
Updated recently posted pages to navigation
I think I'm also going to have to remove the Avenue Q set
Added some new formatting to the digital art page and included some new works!
Added new photos of Darcy's house to her page
I did it I deleted Avenue Q set
March 19 2024
Not visible on the site, but I finally finished moving all my portfolio photos that I've gone through so far and put them onto an external drive! So I could finally get them off of my computer (it was a couple gigs of data cause these were the uncompressed versions)
March 15 2024
Not an update but I just realized that with Marlo's page finished, all the dolls are done now!!! exciting
Added some descriptions and captions to Seam
March 14 2024
Found more photos for GOTGORGE and the dragons, so I uploaded them
March 12 2024
Updated Bustopher with new photos
Added updates to Marlo's page now that he actually has a face!
March 11 2024
Clean ups on home page
Additional writing and clean ups on show review page
March 10 2024
Descriptions for King Lear & Fool
Removed placeholder captions from DJ page. oops
Finished King Lear and Fool and posted!
Added to featured page also
Finished descriptions for Fogtown background characters and posted!
Updated project links to my resume
Made buttons change the mouse to a pointer when hovered
Made links darker brown so they're more visible, they now get bold when hovered (might change to just white)
Moved the Eddie vest photos into the time period folder instead, and fixed the links on the page
Uploaded photos for Oscar and Radium Girls set
Added photos to pages for Oscar and Radium Girls set
March 9 2024
Added descriptions to Marlo
Cleaned up Marlo and posted!
Finished descriptions for the Fogtown cardboard heads and posted!
March 8 2024
Added the rest of the photos to General D costume, which I had somehow missed?
Finished and posted Steve!
Added reference photos to Fogtown Background Characters
Added reference photos to Fogtown mouse, pigeon, and moth
Cleaned up Fogtown Background Characters a little
Adjustments to text sections of the main page and here
Cleaned up writing on Marnie and posted!
Uploaded and added photos of the inside of the Fogtown heads
March 7 2024
Added the new Bustopher photos to his page + cleaned up some text
Created page for the Fogtown heads and added all the photos to them
Added external link to the Fogtown website
Thumbnail for Fogotown heads, Toddy & Aloysius, Steve & Cesare
Started adding external links for all those
Uploaded photos for Steve
I'm sick so my goal while I can't do anything else is to get the costumes page DONE. I have four new ones to add and then I'm finally finishing the 3-4 old ones that are unfinished and just getting them out there
Thumbnail for Bustopher
Last of the photos for Bustopher
Cleaned up Bustopher and posted!
Added Bustopher as a featured page
Cleaned up Toddy & Aloysius and posted!
Cleaned up Benedict and posted
Added photos for Steve
March 5 2024
Uploaded a few more Bustopher photos
Uploaded all my photos for the Fogtown heads
March 4 2024
Updated resume
Added a little to show page
realized I can just hide links that I purposefully broke so they wouldn't lead to unfinished pages
Added a temporary store page so I don't just have a broken link
Feb 27 2024
Updated this log (oops)
Added new page, a blog of shows that I've seen recently!
Feb 23 2024
Uploaded new photos and process for Bustopher's tail, shirt, coat, and flower, not added yet
Feb 17 2024
Added new photos and process for Bustopher's tail and shirt (it's actually really rewarding to update stuff AS it happens)
Jan 31 2024
Added to resume (it's actually really fun to add to my resume, like a cool checklist that makes me feel like I'm actually doing something. Cover letter not so much)
Added new photos and process for Bustopher's tail and shirt
Feb 5 2024
Added couple new photos to bugbear headpiece
Finished up and posted bugbear headpiece, added thumbnail image
Made a page for the Ammonites, added photos, and posted! (this was a very easy one) added thumbnail image
I keep fixing the footers on old pages as I go
Added Ammonites to navigation page
Jan 31 2024
Finished putting in photos for Marnie
Jan 30 2024
Uploaded photos for Marnie
Started putting in photos
Jan 25 2024
Added new cloak photos to Brúni
Tidied up his description and posted it!
Typed up descriptions for The DJ and posted it!
Added a counter for how many pages I've finished
Typed up descriptions for Arthur and posted it!
Made Brúni a featured project
Jan 23 2024
Some writing
Added photos to Toddy & Aloysius
Jan 22 2024
Added photos of the progress so far to Bustopher Jones
Added photos to Job
Added photos to Don Quixote
Added photos to the DJ
Fixed up Job and published
Fixed up Don Quixote and published
Added new pages to site navigation and drafted some links to be added later
Added new shows on my resume to the site navigation
Added photos to Jack's clock
Jan 21 2024
Started a new page for Bustopher Jones, finally actually working on a page simulaneously as I do the project so I don't have to make it all at once afterward!
Coppied the navigation on Corwin's page over to Marlo and Marnie's pages
Also coppied over the space for character lore
Jan 15 2024
Finished uploading and formatting Marlo's photos
Fixed footer on Marlo
Jan 13 2024
Uploaded pictures for Marlo
Jan 12 2024
Rest of the photos uploaded for Fogtown background characters
Made pages for the floating coat, Job, Don Quixote, and the DJ
Updated text and fixed up said pages
Updated footer on resume & navigation
New background time! Changed backgrounds on:
Main page
Puppetry (and all puppet pages) (I'm so glad I figured out the css for this)
Set & prop design just got sized up, not sure if i'm going to change it
Dev log & page not found
Added fringe to the sidebar??? I like it. Might change the specific image
Changed sidebar to a dark brown and added fabric texture
Jan 11 2024
Uploaded photos for Fogtown moth and posted it
Uploaded photos for Fogtown mouse, cleaned it up, and posted it
Got most of the photos uploaded for Fogtown background characters
Jan 10 2024
Finished tidying up Fogtown Pigeons page and posted it
Created page for Fogtown background characters
Fixed footer on Fogtown moth & mouse
Fixed text box organization & templates on Fogtown mouse
Fixed text box organization & templates on Fogtown moth
Copied over external links for all three pages
Oragnized and uploaded images for Fogtown mouse, moth, and background characters
Jan 9 2024
Uploaded pictures for King Lear puppet & bed set
Put those pictures into their pages
Coppies press links over to bedroom set page
Started folders for photos in sets & props
Dec 28 2023
Some clean-up on resume
Created page for King Lear & Fool so I could collect my press links
Dec 14 2023
Updated resume
Added thumbnails for Job, the DJ, King Lear & Fool, and Fogtown background characters
Nov 6 2023
Added the other half of the photos to Bowling shirts
Descriptions finished for Clown Shirt
Bowling Shirts, Yoke Shirts, Clown Shirt, and Jackets & Vests published
Nov 4 2023
Vest photos added to jackets and vests
Clown shirt photos added
Yoke shirt photos added
Yoke shirt to sell photos added
Added half the photos to Bowling shirts
Nov 3 2023
Not directly website related but moved photos from my phone from recent projects into my files
Nov 2 2023
Organized and uploaded photos for Topsy
Added photos for Belindy and Cynthia
Added photos and finished page for Topsy
Adding photos and edited the description for Brúni
Finished descriptions for Belindy and Cynthia
They aren't quite done but I finished their pages
Rest of Seam's photos uploaded
General D plush photos uploaded
Arthur photos added
Seam photos added
Nov 1 2023
Organized and uploaded photos for Brúni
Organized and uploaded photos for Belindy and Cynthia
Oct 30 2023
Added descriptions for robin puppet
Added descriptions for Wolf doll and finished the page!
Added descriptions for Lorni Snoop and finished the page!
Added descriptions for No.44 and finished the page!
Added descriptions for Aster jacket and finished the page!
Added descriptions for bugbear head
Oct 29 2023
Added photos to Aster jacket
Added photos to Eddie jacket
Replaced cardboard armor with the coat from Bedroom
Added photos to Lord Benedict
Added photos for GOTGorge
Added photos for bugbear head
Added photos for Lorni Snoop
Added photos for Wolf doll
Oct 28 2023
Added photos to cardboard hats
Added photos and descriptions to goat mask
Fized color on footer borders
Oct 9 2023
FINALLY changed out that 70's/Art Nouveau font! I didn't hate it but I didn't feel like it was my vibes
Found out how to give the new font a transparent texture overlay
Changed color of new headers as well as box borders
Messed around and figured out how to do this from the css without having to go through every single page manually
Didn't use the new texture on the sidebar menus since it would have been difficult to change from the css alone
Something I did broke the list indentation. fixed that
Went through all the main and category pages to make little fixes that were needed with the new font
One of the things I chnfed now makes everything in the top section of the boxes large. fixing this to just be h2 headings in tht section isn't seeming to work, so I just won't put anything else in there
Went through all the project pages to double check, mostly for the note above
Messed around with header font size
Oct 8 2023
Broke store link
Added Darcy to navigation page
Oct 7 2023
Got some descriptions done for General D.
Got MORE descriptions done for General D.
Even MORE descriptions done for General D. (only the mask ones to go, but I'm taking a break)
Finished descriptions on Corwin
Moved Corwin onto the front page so I stop stressing about finishing Brúni
Created breaks separating personal/commissioned projects within category pages and cleaned up column order
Added most recent show to my resume
Oct 6 2023
Uploaded the last of the pictures to Darcy's page
Uploaded most of the photos to General D's page! Just the mask ones left
External links done on General D's page
Got his intro done as well
Oct 4 2023
Got all the descriptions and most of the images in for Darcy
Cleaned up more column looks on category pages
Started General D. page
Prepared and uploaded images for General D page
Prepared and uploaded images for Darcy page
Fixed Darcy's thumbnail image
Added thumbnails to clothing category page
Hi person reading this who just looked me up from my bio and is surprised to realize I was rushing to get anything finished before you saw it
Yes you
Oct 3 2023
Unfortunately, the rest of the pages I go just have to break
Clothing design
Broke links
Added intro
Digital Art
Broke link to RaggedyLand
Finished page for Pointless
Put Pointless on the front page since I really like it as a project. Replaced the Aster plush though, so I have just as much work ahead of me
Added digital art
Made a page for Darcy because I'm more excited about finishing her
Cleaned up the way empty columns look on category pages
Oct 1 2023
Made home page links open in new tab
Added featured projects to home page
Added photos of my face to home page
I am crossing off so many things!!
Back to going through each category page
broke links to pages I hadn't started yet
finished descriptions on pages that just needed text
added last of the long furby thumbnails
started description on long furby page
broke every link besides General D. beacuse I know I plan on finishing that one
replaced DEMO images with empty space (cleaner)
Goat mask thumbnail
Sets and Props
Filled out more thumbnails (still missing two)
Changed missing thumbnails to empty space
Broke links to unfinished pages (this was all of them)
Added an intro, i don't like it though so hopefully i'll come up with something better
Sep 30 2023
I am beginning to actually use this site for my portfolio, which means even if its unfinished we're going to do some housekeeping. This will need to be finished by October 6th when the show I'm in opens.
Fixed the lack of indentation on layered bulletted lists (it was so small and simple)
Added home button to Page Not Found
Also made it a bit friendlier and added that the page you're looking for might just not be made yet
Now we're going through every side page and adding the last remaning thumbnails, plus breaking links to unfinished pages
I'm both moving the links and breaking the buttons on the category pages, I'm taking the time to move the links too because I don't want to find every possible instance of the links
finished descriptions for a few easy ones and moved the links to the rest
added intro
added intro and the last two thumbnails
had to break every project link here :( but some of them I have at least started and can get done later
Fixed Page Not Found not appearing correctly when linked from foldered pages
Sep 17 2023
Updated info on home page
Added bit about RARE
Added resources to this page
Descriptions and captions for Aster and Gulliver
Sep 15 2023
Updated resume
Added photos to Teddy's page
Began adding photos to Seam's page
Sep 11 2023
Added fabric texture to boxes
Added slightly different fabric texture to buttons
Updated footer
Sep 7 2023
Made buttons look better!
Changed around the navigation font colors slightly to look better on buttons
Used divs in a clever and smart way
Sep 6 2023
Added photos for Avenue Q bears and moving boxes
Dev log is now on a seperate page to clean up the home page
Added photos for shadow puppets
Added photos for Corwin
Sep 5 2023
Added photos and thumbnails for Robin puppet, Gezkin, & Audrey II
Added photos to Sockberus
Sep 4 2023
Started working on gallery pages starting with the puppetry category
Currently finished: Mini Audrey II, Bad Idea Bears, Moving Boxes, Fogtown Moth, Fogtown Mouse, Fogtown Pigeons
The pigeons took the longest because I had actually written out the majority of the process and put in the photos
Originally wasn't sure if I was going to bring it over form the old layout, but made a 2-column gallery option
Updated the template a little and fixed gallery pages for Gezkin, Secret Garden Robin and Shadow Puppets, Tiamat, and Sockberus
I have realized that I like it better when you can click on the thumbnail for a gallery and it links to it, so now I'm re-doing all my category thumbnails again
On the bright side, I can now make the images change when you hover over them to indicate they are part of the link
Fixed the template for all the doll pages (Belindy, Brúni, Cynthia, Corwin, Marnie, Lorni Snoop, Marlo, & Wolf), this was easy since they barely had any description so far
Updated the links & thumbnail hover for the Dolls page
Fixing the template for Plushes galleries, finished; Arthur, Aster, General D, Gulliver, Kedamono & Pumpkin
Add to that Seam, Teddy, Volk, and Wolf & Bat
Finished fixing the Long Furby page. This one is a category page in itself, as each individual furby is going to need their own page. I started off trying to put them all on one, but it got way too long even before putting more photos in there. One photo of each long/modified Furby is already 24 photos, that's plenty. Some won't get individual pages since I only have one photo of them
Updated the links & thumbnail hover for the Plushes page
Do I need to note every single little update? Probably not but it gives me a sense of accomplishment
Did all the costume pages, which was easy bc none of them had anything on them yet
Updated the links & thumbnail hover for the Costumes page (three more to go!)
Updated the links & thumbnail hover + fixed all the templates for the Sets and Props pages (two more to go!)
Updated the links & thumbnail hover + fixed all the templates for the Clothing pages (one more to go!)
Finished re-doing the templates for Digital Art, which means we are DONE with fixing the CSS!!! (for now!!!)
Had to real quick fix the backgrounds on all the pages I've done since the Plushes... oops
Sep 2 2023
Finished fixing category pages
Changed name of Games folder to Digital Art
Finished alphabetized section of Index
Started and finished navigation by category section of the index
Fixed references to previous "Games" in the index
Made lists of things to add for each page (maybe centralize here instead)
Need to figure out a system for when I don't have all four gallery spaces filled up to create a row. Currently empty spaces are at the bottom, but I realize that makes it more work to add new ones. Two I can center, but what do I do if I have only one extra?
Cleaned up page not found
Sep 1 2023
Finally began overhauling this site! I had created an issue a month ago when opening up the CSS for both this and another site I mange, and it somehow overrode the save for this one. But I'm taking it as an opportunity to re-start everything now that I know a lot more about html.
Started with a private test page andgot the layout figured out. Homepage, Resume, and Index have been re-worked, and the test page serves as template storeage.
Began re-organizing Index page for better visibility, need to finish. Nested lists don't indent properly.
Began overhauling the portfolio gallery pages. You can tell we have a time ahead of us when I'm seriously debating if it's quicker to fix my formatting on every singe column, or copy paste the new formatting and then copy over the old links.
Upside: my old code was messy and it's definitely much better now.
Added the store page to the main navigation. I don't think it will be a major way for me to advertise my stuff, but at least it'll be nice to have it all in one place. I decided to make a section for dolls and plushes too ahead of time, I'd like to clear out my collection.
Going down the list, I've got Puppets, Dolls, Plushes, and Costumes done!
Replaced "Games" page with "Digital Art" to also incluide normal pixel art
Got a little farther in cleaning up the alphabetized index